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Tough Fun Presented By the 2019 Ford Ranger

Scouting and Sending Montana’s Big Timber Falls

Story by Max Ritter

Whether you’re riding frozen water up high, or melting water down low, Montana’s Crazy Mountains are, well, pretty crazy. 

Home to Big Timber Falls, a stunningly beautiful flow of whitewater notorious in the kayaking world, Trent and Knox went on a mini-expedition to scout and eventually run the creek. After waiting until the optimal water levels to hit, thanks to a healthy snowmelt from up high, they loaded up their boats and portaged high into the mountains to scout the creek. Weather was not on their side for the mission, but the team made it happen despite rain, snow, and heavy bushwhacking.

Knox sends the big one. Eric Parker photo.

“Big Timber really made us work for it having to contend with rain, snow, and portages but it all made for an amazing experience that lived up to the hype I’ve been hearing about the creek and falls since I was a kid,” shares Knox from the experience.

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