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Splitboarder Forrest Shearer - Soundcheck

Forrest Shearer shredding a tasty couloir. Ian Provo Photo 

Music is an integral part of action sports. It is the soundtrack on the road to the mountain, what makes the videos we watch so captivating, and the inspiration to get out there. For each of us this might mean something different; from the Grateful Dead to Odesza and everything in between. We caught with up with Utah based splitboarder Forrest Shearer to ask about his relationship with riding, music, and for a rundown of some of his favorite tunes. 

What is your relationship with music in the mountains?

Music and riding have a deep relationship for me, it's how I find myself. It helps me zone out and concentrate on my riding. I get focused on my hiking more, put my head down, just breath deep, and push on upward into the mountains. The connection is symbiotic. Growing up watching snowboard films, the music went with the riding and vice versa. The riding always felt like it was the perfect match for the soundtrack. I'll always associate the two. You can't have one without the other. It just makes sense. When I'm on my own and listening to a playlist all of a sudden I'm in my own video. Whatever song I'm listening to inspires me. I love that connection.

Forrest rocking some Jaybird heaphones. Andrew Miller Photo

I go out on a trail and throw on my Jaybird bluetooth headphones, listen, and hike. The bluebud headphones have a great fit, sound insane, and the long battery life allows for good sounds on the ascent to my favorite backcountry spots and there is still juice left for the ride back to the car.

What do you like to listen to?

I listen to a pretty big genre of music from reggae to classic rock. I’m a big classic rock guy, but what I am riding really dictates what I listen to. On a pow day Jimi Hendrix and Bob Marley are always appropriate to maybe something more mellow like Johnny Cash. Tame Impala or something cool for some faster paced riding is great as well. 

Does the places you ride remind you of certain artists?

Forrest can rip the mountains and the surf! Forrest Shearer Photo

With Alaska it would be some crazy Jimi Hendrix, Castles Made of Sand, or maybe a Wolfmother song that talks about mountains in it. Depending on where I am in the world influences what I listen to. In Japan I listen to more world music, really get into vibes or other stuff. When I travel I try to learn about that culture through its music. I basically learned Spanish through Manu Chao. Those songs would be cool for a place like Costa Rica or South America.

Describe the playlist you made?

Here is a fun mix of some of my favorites I like to listen to in all kinds of snowboarding conditions. Kind of goes with everything. From mind surfing on the drive up, hiking up the mountain, snow surfing deep powder, getting after big lines, or when the sun comes out in the afternoon and all you want to do is keep riding!

So ride on my friends. Keep listening to music and keep shredding!

Check out the playlist below or here!

From The Column: Soundcheck

About The Author

stash member Jonathan Desabris

Digital Content Producer at TGR. Jackson Hole transplant from the Green Mountain State. Contrary to popular belief I have never lived in New Jersey.
