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What Do Hip-Hop, Folk Music, and Kayaking Have In Common?

What do whitewater kayaking, hip hop, and folk music have in common?

The answer is simple: Rush Sturges.

Throughout his career, professional whitewater kayaker and filmmaker Rush Sturges has traveled the world and taken viewers with him. He's chased massive waterfalls and whitewater across the world, and recently released a feature-length film, "Chasing Niagara." Now, Sturges takes the world on a new adventure: his brand new, full-length album, "A Life Worth Living."

The man himself. Erik Boomer photo. 

It would seem that Rush Sturges was destined for kayaking greatness. Sturges grew up in a tiny town on the banks of the Salmon River in Northern California, where his parents owned a kayak school, Otter Bar, which is considered one of the best paddling schools in the country. He began kayaking whitewater at 10 years old, and never turned back. 

His love of the water led him to pick up a video camera to document the sport, filming and editing videos for guests at Otter Bar as a teenager. Long-term, his teenage venture turned into the creation of River Roots, his production house based out of White Salmon, Washington. Rush's films have been widely celebrated, notably at the Banff Mountain Film Festival. 

Rush originally took the stage under the name "Adrenaline Rush," performing hip hop and freestyle rap. Rush Sturges has proven himself as a renaissance man of outdoors culture. An eclectic mix of folk, roots, and hip-hop, "A Life Worth Living" is available now  on iTunes and Spotify. Listen to "Freedom in Falling" from Rush and a sampling of other artists in this week's Soundcheck. 


#1) Freedom in Falling - Rush Sturges
#2) Body Speak - Leo Islo
#3) Killing Jar - Marcus Marr
#4) Come Home - CHAPPO
#5) I Need A Forest Fire - James Blake and Bon Iver


From The Column: Soundcheck

About The Author

stash member Katie Cooney

Skier, photographer, dog lover, adventure seeker. Native of the land of cheese and beer, sometimes called Wisconsin.

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Awesome video and a great playlist! You should use phd dissertation writing services next time. It will make your posts even better.

Throughout his career, professional
y whitewater kayaker and filmmaker Rush Sturges has traveled the world and taken viewers with him.
