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Cotopaxi’s New Tent Can Double in Size

If you like to camp or backpack, you probably own a variety of tents to accommodate the number of people in your group or the environment. Buying a bunch of different tents isn't great for your wallet, though, or your gear storage space. Cotopaxi's latest tent solves those problems: enter the new Inti 2 tent, which starts as a two-person standalone tent, but can be expanded to fit up to four.

The Inti 2 is an ultralight (4 lb 9 oz), 3-season tent and can be set up in three configurations between the tent, its fly, and the alcove. Think of it as three tents in one. The tent uses 3 poles for easy set-up, has two vestibules for gear storage in the rainfly, and ample space in its interior, including lots of headroom. 

Expandable to fit you, your dog, and a couple of friends. Cotopaxi photo. 

The snap-on alcove - the tent’s “guest room" - effectively doubles the space of the tent, and get this: it’s not just an added vestibule or awning—it features a built in floor, and only adds another 2.5 pounds to your pack (or to your hiking buddy’s, since it’s easy to separate).

The Inti 2 can be set up in three configurations. Cotopaxi photo. 

The alcove can also be set up separately against a tree or with trekking poles, making a great, breezy shelter to hide from the sun.

The retail price for the Inti 2 tent is $350 for the tent/fly, and $530 for the tent with fly + alcove—but if you want to be a trendsetter and hop on the Indiegogo campaign, you can get the Early Bird: Alcove Package and receive the tent, rainfly, alcove, and a Cotopaxi water bottle for $325 plus shipping. The first tents will ship out in late July.

Another thing to keep in mind: Cotopaxi’s products are “Gear For Good,” meaning that they donate a minimum of 10% of its profit to one its partner nonprofit organizations to create positive, sustainable impact in the communities that the organizations serve. Each piece of gear is linked to a humanitarian cause in some of the poorest regions of the world. 

After just three days, the crowdfunding campaign has reached more than half of its goal of $35,000. Find out more about the Inti 2 and get your own on the Indiegogo page

From The Column: The Goods

About The Author

stash member Katie Cooney

Skier, photographer, dog lover, adventure seeker. Native of the land of cheese and beer, sometimes called Wisconsin.
