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Shorebreak Photographer Clark Little - Through the Lens

I remember when I was a little kid one of my favorite things to do was play in the waves of the beaches of Rhode Island. Getting thrashed by a big wave when I was young was the ultimate moment of exhilaration, excitement, and danger for my five-year-old self. Clark Little is the grown up version of that emotion. Starting eight years ago with a point and shoot and a cheap waterproof housing he set out to take pictures he could hang up in his house. Unlike other wave photographers who spend their time trying to capture the perfect cover shot, Little spent his time in the extremely violent shore breaks. He has since upgraded his camera and a couple of beat downs later have gone on to capture some of the most breathtaking and vibrant wave pictures ever taken. This profile by The Inertia captures a truly unique water person.

What I love about Little’s attitude is the passion for water. Water people are different, whether it is rivers or oceans, salt or fresh water, those who hold a respect and reverence for water are special people. So cheers to Clark Little, and lets hope to see some epic photos in the near future. Be sure to give him a follow on Instagram to follow the sickest shots from the sea.

From The Column: Through the Lens

About The Author

stash member Jonathan Desabris

Digital Content Producer at TGR. Jackson Hole transplant from the Green Mountain State. Contrary to popular belief I have never lived in New Jersey.
